About the Department

An MBA programme provides a graduate with a flexible degree which can help increase the awareness of general business knowledge and enhance understanding in any particular business domain. Typically an MBA helps the graduate to become more marketable across a wider range of work-profiles and across countries, move upwards in a company into managerial cadre, develop an extensive professional network or even set up ones own business.


To Create an Environment of intellectual vibrancy and harnessing the best research and Management practices, we aim to develop globally competitive women managers with a concern for society.


The Department Endeavors to Develop students into a new generation of leaders who possess love for truth, critical Intelligence to pursue it, and eloquence to articulate it.

HOD Desk Message

provides a conducive environment for learning with its vibrant and contemporary curriculum, experienced full time faculty, supplemented by practicing professionals as visiting faculty, good amenities such as computer lab, library etc. and hands on experience gained by working on projects, organizing events, etc., by the students themselves. The course are delivered through a slew of modern teaching techniques such as Case Study Method, Lecture Method, Seminars, Conferences, Field Visits, Group Projects, Role Playing, Experimental Learning and Simulated Exercises to give the students an opportunity to learn by doing.

A strong network with our alumni and our interface with the industry towards the placement is our USP and that has become our key highlight.

The students are encouraged to organize various events and actively participate in other activities. This allows them to appreciate unstructured situations and resource constraints and find ways to work with all these limitations and still make the most of it. PIBM's Students' Council handles activities like placements, cultural events, alumni relations, social events etc.



HOD, MBA Department